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On International Women's Day

The greatest strength of a woman lies in her grace and her kindness. Her unsurpassable ability to resolve conflict with tenderness. Her wisdom in knowing when to speak loud and clear and when to hold a word, and in knowing how to move the world silently but effectively in an inevitable sea of boastful egocentrism.

Friends, today is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the advancement in woman's rights. It is hard for me to believe that this rights equality was ever questioned, but I am conscious that such inequality in treatment and rights still exists unfortunately today in many other cultures around the world. Having said that I have to confess that I have never felt that being a woman, at least in my own personal history, wether in Venezuela or here in the US has been a detriment to achieving my goals or for my merits to being recognized, and for that I feel very fortunate. The only times when my path has ever been compromised by anyone has been rather out of the darkness and flaws of their own human nature, a darkness and flawness that we all possess within ourselves, wether female or male, and this is something that we have to tune our vision and intuition to understand and recognize. And we have to tune it even more finely to be able to tackle and domesticate those flaws within ourselves.

Women and men are equal in dignity and rights because both of us are expressions of the same humanity. Each one with their own strengths, gifts and beauty to build the fabric of our society. History has proven that women can accomplish everything that may have been perceived in the past as only men’s territory and will continue to do so. That comes unsaid.

Now, when I think about women that I admire the most I don’t fix my eyes on female music celebrities, female astronauts or female politicians. Rather come to my mind those women that without making a lot of noise and without losing who they are have moved the threads of society towards peace: Mother Theresa of Calcuta, for example.

Looking at her I get reminded that the greatest strength of a woman lies in her grace and her kindness. Her unsurpassable ability to resolve conflict with tenderness. Her wisdom in knowing when to speak loud and clear and when to hold a word, and in knowing how to move the world silently but effectively in an inevitable sea of boastful egocentrism.

Truly a higher role model of a woman to put our eyes on.

Happy International Women’s Day to all my beautiful women friends!

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